The 9 Best Houseplants To Beautify Your Home

The 9 Best Houseplants To Beautify Your Home

Adding a beautiful houseplant can help brighten up a space, create warmth, and is a great way to bring the calmness of nature into your home.

Taking care of a houseplant is a lot easier than you might think. Of course they need a little care here and there, but the end results are worth it, not to mention the satisfaction you get from keeping something alive.

Here are 9 of the easiest to grow houseplants you can incorporate into your home right now. We've even included instructions for taking care of them (you're welcome).


Colorful and exotic, the bromeliad adds a vibrant touch to any space.

How To Care For A Bromeliad Plant

Water - Bromeliads are more drought resistant which means you should not over water them. Ensure that the pot has drainage holes. Each time you water your bromeliad, make sure the water runs from the drainage holes, which will remove any salt build up in your pot. Water the bromeliad only when there are at least two inches of dry soil on top.

Humidity - Because bromeliads require a humidity of 60%, it can be a bit difficult to achieve this in a home that is heated by a furnace. There are a few easy ways to increase humidity levels by your plant:

  • Run a humidifier by your plant.
  • Place a shallow tray under your pot and fill it with water. This will add moisture in the air, increasing humidity.
  • Surround the bromeliad with other plants.
  • Use a spray bottle to mist your plant regularly.

Light - Bromeliads prefer bright, sunny spaces but avoid putting them in direct sunlight.

Cast Iron Plant

An extremely hardy houseplant, this is a favorite for people who want a beautiful plant that's low maintenance.

How To Care For A Cast Iron Plant

Water - Just make sure that the soil is always slightly damp and you're good to go!

Humidity - I'll be honest with you, it doesn't matter. Just make sure you're not keeping it next to a heat vent and you're good to go.

Light - As long as it gets some indirect sunlight, your cast iron plant will be fine. Just remember to avoid direct sunlight.

Jade Plant

Easy to grow and considered symbols of good luck, jade plants are a popular houseplant.

How To Care For A Jade Plant

Water - It is important to make sure the soil never dries out, but avoid overwatering it as it can lead to root rot. You'll know it's time to water it when the top of the soil is dry to the touch. If you notice your jade plant is losing leaves or has leaf spots, it means that it's underwatered.

Humidity - The jade plant likes low humidity, ranging from 30% to 50%. You'll want to grow it in a place with plenty of air circulation and away from other plants to avoid other plants humidifying one another. If you live in a humid area, keep your jade plant near a heat source.

Light - Jade plants love light so keep them by windowsills or in a room that gets a lot of sunlight throughout the day.

Prayer Plant

Their large leaves fold together at night, looking like hands closed in prayer, hence its name. The prayer plant has large leaves with a beautiful light and dark green pattern.

How To Care For A Prayer Plant

Water - Keep the soil evenly moist during spring through summer, slightly drier in winter.

Humidity - Prayer plants prefers a humidity of 50%, which means they should be kept around other plants, placed on top of a shallow tray of water, or misted frequently.

Light - Jade plants prefer brightly lit rooms but out of direct sunlight.

Christmas Cactus

While these require a bit of work to ensure they bloom by the holidays, the (small) effort it takes is completely worth it.

How To Care For A Christmas Cactus

Water - Throughout the year, water the Christmas cactus enough so that the soil remains moist. Water again once the top of the soil is dry to the touch. During the fall and winter months, cut back on the watering to allow the cactus to bloom.

Humidity - The Christmas Cactus prefers a humidity of 50% to 60%, which means they should be kept around other plants, placed on top of a shallow tray of water, or misted frequently.

Light - In the fall months they should be kept in a room with a lot of indirect sunlight but in total darkness during the night.

Parlour Palm

Beautiful and delicate, the parlour palm is lauded for it's effective ability to clean the air. It even made NASA's list of 50 air cleaning indoor plants. They tend to grow at a slower pace so a little patience is required with this one.

How To Care For A Parlour Palm

Water - Parlour palms are sensitive to over watering so ensure that the pot allows some sort of drainage. You'll know to water it once the top of the soil is dry to the touch. In the winter, the parlour palm requires less watering as it prefers to be drier during this time.

Humidity - Parlour palms prefer moderate humidity and frequent misting is advised.

Light - These plants are considered low-light plants, which means keeping them in a room with lots of light but out of direct sunlight is ideal.


This highly adaptable plant is a mainstay in many interior gardens and favoured for their ease of care and high adaptability.

How To Care For A Philodendron

Water - When watering, allow the top inch of the soil to dry out before waterings.

Humidity - Philodendrons prefer a moderate humidity that's found in most homes, however, they grow best in slightly high humidity, which means placing them by other plants, keeping a shallow tray of water near it, or constant misting will promote lush growth and shiny foliage.

Light - Philodendrons prefer bright, indirect sunlight. If you notice that the stems are long and leggy with several inches between leaves, it's a sign it's not getting enough sunlight.

Crown Of Thorns

Highly adaptable and thrives in most home environments, this plant is easy to grow and bloom almost year round. The only downside is the thorns and sap can cause blisters and swelling.

Water - From spring to late fall, you can water the plant by flooding the pot and waiting for the excess water to drain onto a pan under the pot. Then empty this pan to avoid soaking the roots in water. Rewater when the top inch of soil becomes dry,

Humidity - The plant is fairly adaptable and will grow in your average indoor environment, even if it gets a little dry.

Light - Make sure the crown of thorns gets 4 hours of direct sunlight each day.

Snake Plant

Also known as mother-in-law's tongue, this plant features sword-shaped leaves that are smooth and waxy. They are very visually striking and popular among interior designers. Extremely versatile and hardy, this is an easy addition to any interior garden.

Water - Snake plants aren't finicky about water, as long as they are not overwatered. Water when the soil is dry and during the winter months, water once a month.

Humidity - The average home humidity is perfect for a snake plant.

Light - Place your snake plant in a bright room with plenty of indirect sunlight.

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